Suggestions for business development - 16th podcast

Climate adaptation - Valuable suggestions for business development from Franz Sinabell The climate crisis, nutrition over time, the development of agricultural markets and product revenues, agricultural compensation payments, digitalization,...

Heat stress in pig herds - 15th podcast

Heat stress in pig herds - effects and potential With regard to animal welfare and animal protection, cooling is now essential in the area of ​​breeding sows and fattening pigs. However, heat stress that occurs has...


Climate-fit grassland - 14th podcast

Through site-adapted management to create climate-friendly grassland, with more than 1.3 million hectares, grassland is by far the most important crop in Austria in terms of area. The management options in grassland are crucial...


Ensuring adequate water supply for cattle - 13th Podcast

Prevent heat stress in cattle through appropriate water supply. Increasing heat waves in Central Europe make adapted management and suitable stable technology to avoid heat stress essential. It is particularly important...


Alpine pasture management in transition - 12th podcast

Watch the spring and then quickly head to the Alpine pasture! The climate change that agriculture is clearly feeling on the homesteads is also taking place in intensive form on the alpine pastures. In a long-term study between 1993 and 2018...


Growing new crops in agriculture - 11th Podcast

Cultivation of new crops such as legumes and sweet potatoes In addition to increased resistance to drought and heat, changing eating habits opens up an opportunity for new crops. Especially regional,...


Irrigation of grassland in the Alpine region - 10th podcast

Experiences with the irrigation of grassland in the Alpine region In South Tyrol there is a lot of experience with the use of irrigation systems in grassland farming. Due to climate change, the irrigation of meadows and pastures is also...


Climate Change - It's the Soil that Matters - 02. Podcast

Stay on the ground The ground is our basis of life. The temperature-related increase in the evaporation of water stored in the ground, the increased surface water runoff due to increased heavy rain events, too little snowmelt water...


Climate Change - Adjusting Fertilization - 03. Podcast

What can fertilization technology achieve? Due to climatic changes, the duration of heat and dry periods as well as heavy rain events are increasing. This means that - with normal fertilizer application - the time window for...


The new climate-fit cattle barn - 08. Podcast

What is important to pay attention to when building a new cattle stable? The planning of a stable already determines whether the climate parameters will move in a positive direction. In the podcast, Ing. Eduard Zentner gives valuable tips on what to...

Dairy cattle feeding in drought conditions - 09. Podcast

Rations rich in corn silage in dairy cattle feeding during drought. Dryness in summer is increasingly leading to crop failures in grassland. Such reduced yields can be compensated for by silage maize, as it is less susceptible to...


Converting existing cattle stables to make them climate-friendly - 07. Podcast

Measures for cattle stables Making our stables climate-friendly is the declared credo of the future. Only with optimal ventilation and a sensible level of technology will it be possible to make heat phases more bearable for the...


Location-appropriate agriculture - 06. Podcast

Resilience in business management - Agriculture appropriate to the location The sum of risks for agricultural businesses is increasing noticeably. Changes caused by climate change are compounded by global uncertainties...


Strategies for climate-adapted grassland stocks - 05. Podcast

Management and plant populations are changing. Increased temperatures, longer growing seasons, increasing drought stress, and increasingly frequent heavy rainfall. All of these changes have an impact on...


Food reserves - lack of food - 04. Podcast

Countering feed shortages with stocks and reducing losses Due to weather extremes such as drought, flooding and hailstorms, the farm's own basic feed is increasingly becoming scarce or running out early on livestock farms. The...