
1. Diploma course to become an instructor in functional claw care at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

At the beginning of October 2020 the time had finally come: 12 inter-company hoof trimmers from all over Austria, South Tyrol and Germany gathered at the HBFLA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in brilliant weather to take part in the first Gumpenstein diploma course to become an instructor in functional hoof care under the technical direction of Robert Pesenhofer to participate. Taking the current Corona measures into account, the first block of attendance took place in the stable and classroom.

Nine days of attendance and examinations are to be completed at the HBLFA, divided into several blocks. The courses with internal and external lecturers include hoof care, animal husbandry and health, as well as communication and presentation. The participants also have to complete a ten-day practical experience with various tasks with experienced hoof care instructors.
Professionally sound hoof care is an essential factor for animal welfare and health. Healthy and happy animals are more productive and are a basic requirement for the profitability of cattle farms. Functional claw care instructors not only have to be able to handle claws professionally and in accordance with the latest knowledge. You need in-depth specialist knowledge of the context surrounding hoof health as well as in the areas of lesson design and knowledge transfer in order to be able to prepare and pass on the essential aspects in a target group-oriented manner. Due to their reach in their own training and further education activities, hoof care instructors are, so to speak, “ambassadors for hoof health”.
Successful completion of the Gumpensteiner diploma course enables graduates to work as well-trained hoof care instructors in the future, for example in hoof care certificate courses. The Gumpensteiner diploma course to become an instructor in functional claw care is unique in Europe as there is currently no comparable training opportunity.

The Gumpensteiner diploma course to become an instructor in functional claw care is unique in Europe.

The Gumpensteiner diploma course to become an instructor in functional claw care is unique in Europe.

 Ⓒ Pesendorfer

