Current research

Milk fingerprint

Milk fingerprint

Not all milk is the same! In the future, results from new milk analysis methods will be used in herd management, breeding but also in quality assurance and marketing of quality products. At the HBLFA...
Livestock biodiversity

Livestock biodiversity

Livestock biodiversity – what is it? “Biodiversity” i.e. “diversity of life” is the basic requirement for the ability of living beings to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Our farm animals were...
Grassland indicator plants

Grassland indicator plants

The individual plant species do not occur randomly next to each other in permanent grassland. Only species with similar location requirements can coexist; they form a plant community. The species composition...
Weed control

Weed control

Dock control in grassland_Poster series I-III {jd_file file==12285} Dock control in grassland Poster series IV-VI {jd_file file==12287} Grab the dock by the roots {jd_file file==12535}
Research areas

Research areas

Crop production systems 1.1 Maintenance, breeding and propagation of grassland plants 1.2 Grassland improvement and recultivation 1.3 Soil, water and nutrient supply 1.4 Feed production, feed quality and feed evaluation...
Where can you find us?

Where can you find us?

The Raumberg-Gumpenstein Teaching and Research Center is geographically located in the heart of Austria. This is how you find us