In the EIP-AGRI project “Larvae breeding” the following aspects are researched in work packages (AP):
AP 1 Global2000: Project management and coordination
AP 2 Bioforschung Austria: Starting substrates, identification of possible substrates and their analysis
AP 3 Ecofly + Bioforschung Austria: Larval production and substrate experiments
AP 4 BOKU + HBLFA + Ecofly: Feed production and processing; 4.1 Extrusion tests (BOKU); 4.2 Feed preservation through fermentation. Test of different initial states of the larvae (whole and also chopped) and different silage additives ( HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein)
AP 5 BOKU + HBLFA + fish farm: feeding trials for broilers (BOKU); Broiler fattening and GHG emissions ( HBLFA ); Use of larvae meal in fish farming
AP 6 Bioforschung Austria + HBLFA : Ecological analysis of residual substrate and GHG emissions, life cycle analysis (LCA)
AP 7 Ecofly, Global2000, bioresearch, BOKU, HBLFA : dissemination of results and public relations