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  • Preservability of soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) through fermentation and their potential in broiler fattening

Preservability of soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) through fermentation and their potential in broiler fattening

Resch Reinhard, Ing.

Ing. Reinhard Resch

Head of analytics and feed evaluation department

The permission to use insect meal as “Processed Animal Protein” has been in force in the aquaculture sector since July 2017 following recommendations from the EU Commission (EFSA Scientific Committee, 2015). An expansion to feed poultry and pigs is already in progress at EU level and is expected by the European umbrella organization of insect breeders (IPFF) at the beginning of 2020.

In the EIP-AGRI project “Larvae breeding” the following aspects are researched in work packages (AP):

AP 1 Global2000: Project management and coordination

AP 2 Bioforschung Austria: Starting substrates, identification of possible substrates and their analysis

AP 3 Ecofly + Bioforschung Austria: Larval production and substrate experiments

AP 4 BOKU + HBLFA + Ecofly: Feed production and processing; 4.1 Extrusion tests (BOKU); 4.2 Feed preservation through fermentation. Test of different initial states of the larvae (whole and also chopped) and different silage additives (HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein)

AP 5 BOKU + HBLFA + fish farm: feeding trials for broilers (BOKU); Broiler fattening and GHG emissions (HBLFA); Use of larvae meal in fish farming

AP 6 Bioforschung Austria + HBLFA: Ecological analysis of residual substrate and GHG emissions, life cycle analysis (LCA)

AP 7 Ecofly, Global2000, bioresearch, BOKU, HBLFA: dissemination of results and public relations




Preservability of soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) through fermentation and their potential in broiler fattening

Resch Reinhard (2018 - 2021)
Institute 3 - Animal, Technology Environment