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  • Practical application of the farm management tool “FarmLife” in the model region “Liezen District” - eco-efficient dairy farming

Practical application of the farm management tool “FarmLife” in the model region “Liezen District” - eco-efficient dairy farming

 Dairy farms with volatile product prices and uncertain future prospects require long-term decisions. Well-prepared key operating figures promote stable and sustainable business development.

As part of the “FarmLife” research project, a computer-aided tool to support management decisions on farms was developed. The basis of this operational management tool is a life cycle assessment concept that can evaluate the efficiency in the use of resources, nutrient and pollutant management, but also the economy.

In order to put this developed farm management tool into practice, dairy farms in the Liezen district model region were selected.

Goals of the research project:


  • Introducing and preparing stakeholders to the operations management tool
  • Acquisition of dairy farms in the model region “Liezen District”
  • Workshops on data entry and operational feedback/advice
  • Embedding the results in operational development concepts


  • Impact of farm management on the environmental impact of dairy farms
  • Development of recommendations for action to reduce environmental impacts


Project partners:

Liezen District Chamber

Ennstal milk