Italian - compulsory elective subject

Ciao a tutti!

The compulsory elective subject ITALIAN can be chosen by students from the third year onwards or from the second year onwards in the advanced course as a second living foreign language. The students learn the Italian language from scratch, so no previous knowledge is required.



 @Wedenig Christine


The Italian lessons extend over three years of learning, include two hours per week per learning year (i.e. a total of six hours per week) and can be chosen as an oral examination subject as part of the Matura. At the end an A2 level is achieved.

In the advanced course there are two years of learning with a total of four hours per week. Here too, students can choose Italian as an oral examination subject if they also attend the optional subject for two hours per week.

In addition to teaching the basic vocabulary and basic grammar skills, the following topics are covered in lessons: making contacts, eating and drinking, vacation and room reservations, directions, free time and daily routine, family and friends, school and work, shopping, clothes and colors, festivals, etc Holidays, body and health, travel, regions of Italy,…

If desired, an excursion to Italy can be carried out in the second year of learning, which not only enables the students to make linguistic progress, but also gives them insights into social, cultural and agricultural aspects of Italy.

In recent years, language trips have taken us to Friuli, Veneto, Lombardy, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Sicily.

A presto and buon divertimento!

s 2020 Italian elective subject02



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