Italian conversation

Ciao a tutti!

The optional subject ITALIAN CONVERSATION can be chosen by students of all years.



 @Wedenig Christine

The optional subject is aimed at students without previous knowledge as well as students who already have knowledge of Italian, as well as those who want to take the elective subject and graduate in Italian.

At the beginning of the school year, the students are assigned to different groups (beginners/advanced/high school graduates) depending on their level of knowledge, which then meet on average once a week for an hour. The number of hours per week depends on the number of groups, the group sizes and the available hours per week and can therefore vary.

In addition to teaching the basic vocabulary and basic grammar skills, the following topics are covered in lessons: making contacts, eating and drinking, vacation and room reservations, directions, free time and daily routine, family and friends, school and work, shopping, clothes and colors, festivals, etc Holidays, body and health, travel, regions of Italy,…

A presto and buon divertimento!

s 2020 Italian free item02