
Opening ceremony of the organic institute building at Moarhof and Grassland Livestock Day 2021

Under the motto “Practice meets research”, more than 900 guests gathered at the Moarhof in Trautenfels, the organic teaching and research facility of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Those interested were presented with an interesting and...

Our student day at the Moarhof

Under the motto "School meets research", 20 school groups from all over Austria with more than 500 students visited us at the Moarhof on the day before the Grassland and Livestock Day. At 25 specialist stations you were...


People and animals at the center of the new EU organic regulation: specialist event on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming

On June 9th and 10th, the Europe-wide online conference on the topic of animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming took place, organized by the Zukunftsraum Land network in collaboration with the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, Bio Austria,...

Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference 2021 - review available

This year's Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference took place from 19th to 20th. May 2021 as a web conference.


Reviews of the 19th Gumpenstein Lysimeter Conference 2021

As part of the 19th Gumpenstein Lysimeter Conference, which was held as a web conference on the topic of lysimeters and soil water balance: drought - irrigation - yield security, you can find the entire conference proceedings and the associated...


48th Livestock Industry Conference 2021

On March 24th and 25th, 2021, the Institute for Livestock Research at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein held the 48th livestock industry conference. On both days, more than 200 participants from home and abroad were able to...


Web conference: Austrian conference for organic agriculture

Organic conference proceedings – written report on the lectures

11th Sheep Farming Conference_2020

We are pleased about the great interest in the 11th Sheep Husbandry Conference 2020.


Digital technologies on family farms - online conference

The online conference on the topic of “Digital technologies on family farms” took place on October 22nd and 23rd, 2020. Many interesting contributions from top-class speakers and a lively discussion following the presentations...


Livestock Industry Conference 2020 - technical articles for reading

The specialist contributions from the livestock industry conferences are available to read


Raumberg-Gumpenstein farm animal protection conference - for the first time as a web conference

In mid-May 2020, the traditional livestock protection conference took place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, which was held as a webinar for the first time this year for the occasion. Well-known speakers from home and abroad offered...

Lysimeter conference 2019

Technical papers from the lysimeter conference 2019 for download

A2 Milk – myth, opportunity, challenge?

The aim of our event was to report on the topic of A2 milk in a neutral manner and from the perspective of the industries involved in the production chain. It was not the aim of the event to push A2 Milch or “not...