The unprocessed edible potato was strongly pushed out of the market, even though it represents an extremely valuable foodstuff.
Despite the production of high-quality potatoes, consumers have not yet developed awareness of the variety. For a long time, consumers only considered the two terms "fatty" and "floury" as quality parameters when purchasing, which only refer to the cooking quality. Variety names are much more meaningful when it comes to the possible uses for potatoes. It is therefore important to work harder in marketing to raise awareness of the quality of varieties, as this brings significant relief for producers and consumers.
When defining quality, the assessment of food value is an important criterion, currently carried out by the BFL and BAL as part of the official variety value test. In addition to other essential parameters, organoleptic testing represents an important contribution to assessing quality. However, this is currently carried out purely on a sensory basis and is therefore only reproducible to a certain extent. This raises the question of objectifying sensory testing through various chemical-analytical test methods and examining various ingredients that influence taste.