Research projects

    Straw requirement for deep litter in sheep farming

    According to Appendix 3, 2.1 of the 1st Animal Husbandry Ordinance to the Federal Animal Protection Act 2005, the floor area must be sufficiently strewn with straw or similarly structured material. The question is, what amount is necessary to have enough litter.

    Measuring the moisture content of the litter layer and determining the amount of straw spread should provide information about the sufficient amount. Furthermore, it is examined how the increasing thickness of the litter and manure layer affects the amount of litter and the moisture content of the litter layer. It is to be expected that the daily amount of litter can be reduced as the thickness of the litter layer increases. Another goal is to clarify the question of how the animals' body weight affects the amount of bedding. Larger and heavier animals consume more food and water and therefore produce more excretions. The connection between body size, feed intake and amount of bedding should be clarified. From this point of view, information about the daily amount of straw per animal can deviate far from the actually sufficient amount.

    Final report on straw requirements for deep litter farming

    Straw requirements for sheep

    Straw requirements for sheep

     HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Ringdorfer


    Straw requirements for stables in sheep farming

    Ringdorfer Ferdinand (2006 - 2007)