3718: Pasture solutions for difficult conditions

Project manager

In the last few decades, different framework conditions (subsidies, market, legal requirements, low-input concepts, research and consulting activities, social expectations, etc.) have increased interest in pasture farming. In organic farming, the grazing of herbivores is mandatory. The organic restrictions that have been in effect since 2022 present numerous farmers with new challenges.  

Grazing in difficult conditions

As part of its research and implementation activities, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, in collaboration with practical businesses, consulting organizations (BIO AUSTRIA, LKÖ etc.) and companies, will specifically address open questions about “grazing under difficult operating conditions”. For this purpose, pasture solutions are developed for the following areas:

  • Movement grazing – grazing solutions for pasture situations where there is limited space
  • Arable pasture and pasture in regions with little rainfall
  • Innovative parasite prevention in pasture farming with small ruminants

Research with and for practice

The research activities are used to develop solutions to questions that have not yet been clarified in research and consulting under Austrian production conditions. For this purpose, tests are being carried out at different locations in Austria (practice companies & HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein) and are supervised by the experts at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

  1. In a plot trial, pasture mixtures are being tested which provide a dense, sturdy and long-lasting plant population, especially on intensively grazed pasture areas (“mobile pasture”). In addition, these mixtures are also being carried out in strip tests on practical farms
  2. In another exact experiment, innovative pasture mixtures are being tested on arable land in a region with low rainfall, which are intended to deliver good quality yields in a site-adapted mob grazing system. On practical farms, pastures are tested on arable land.
  3. In two further experiments, grazing strategies and pasture mixtures that can help minimize parasite pressure are being tested with young sheep and goat kids.

Collaboration and learning from each other - is important to us!

The results of this project will be processed in close cooperation with the EIP project “Pasture Innovations”, which is also managed by BIO AUSTRIA, and the participating project partners.  

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Institute 1 - Livestock Research, Institute 4 - Organic, Acquisition