
Roman Catholic religious education


Roman Catholic religious education

Roman Catholic religious education opens doors...

... to the self:

Who among us is not looking for meaning in our lives? Our religious education aims to develop the basic message of the Christian faith as a viable answer, a building block for personal development. This tells us: Every person is unique, wanted by God and held and supported by him.

... to the world around us:

Christian belief emphasizes that all creation owes itself to God and is therefore valuable. Our religious education class introduces topics that cannot be avoided, such as: B. Solidarity, especially with people in need, but also those that are currently topical and controversial: protection of human life in all its phases or, to give an example for our type of school, the struggle for economic efficiency and Christianly acceptable animal husbandry as part of careful handling of co-creation.

... about the Christian faith:

Only those who have found their own point of view can encounter other people, world views and religions without fear and enter into competent, and if necessary controversial, exchanges with them. We religion teachers in Raumberg strive to develop a sense of home in the Christian faith in our lessons.

… about our culture:

Much of Europe has been shaped by the Christian faith for centuries: calendars, Sundays and holidays, social affairs and education, art and culture. Our task here is to design lessons as a key to understanding and an indispensable contribution to general education.