@HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Quality management

@HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Quality management

Quality is talked about in every company and in every industry. Quality is the survival strategy of every company and is noticeable in the company's success. It is important to be able to assert yourself in a constantly changing environment and to withstand the demands of constant improvement.

In recent years, effective management systems have been developed to deal with diverse challenges such as the requirement for environmental and resource conservation, high flexibility or rapid reactions to customer requirements.

In quality management lessons, students are entrusted with the basics of national, European and international standards and the basics of process management.

The focus is on the quality management standard ISO 9001:2015 and the environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015. The standard content and its documentation are discussed in detail in class.

Using model companies, the learners create the documents necessary for documenting a quality management system and learn which steps and measures are necessary for company certification. You will also learn about a variety of important quality management elements and their application.


Important: The quality management lessons and project management lessons are held separately - 2 hours per week each. However, a common note in the 5-year form.

Excerpt – learning content quality management