Economic geography and global development, economics

Overview of teaching content by class

Economic geography

Economic geography

 @Schwab Gernot

1LW,1UR,1ALG vintage

In the area of ​​geography, the students learn cartographic forms of representation , and basic topographical knowledge (searching for coordinates in the atlas, etc.) is also taught so that they can orientate themselves on our earth.

In the area of ​​physiogeography we discuss endogenous and exogenous forces , with a particular focus on mountain formations, plate tectonic processes, types of weathering, volcanism and the various surface forms of our earth. Another large area is the large landscapes of Austria with their six national parks.

climatic geography section , the global air pressure belts, the various climate elements and climate and vegetation zones of our earth discussed and, of course, the interpretation of climate diagrams is also practiced. In this context, the causes and consequences of anthropogenic climate change are also discussed.

The human use of the earth and the resulting cultural landscapes with all their effects on the ecosystem are also examined. The focus of interest is the deforestation of tropical rainforests, the spread of deserts and the fight for water.

In human geography we deal with the population distribution of our earth, with population growth and how we try to get this under control. In this context, we also take a closer look at the population structure of our home country, Austria . We deal with the following topics: the development of the Austrian population over time; the regional changes in the population in Austria; Ö as a country of immigration; migration since World War II; Diversity – an opportunity for Austria?

In October 2021 it will be possible for our students to take part in the early Matura in this subject for the first time.

2LW,2UR,1ALG vintage

In economics we go straight into the topic of the fundamentals of economics. Another large subarea is the production factors that are needed to produce goods.

We also discuss various economic systems and economic orders, where historical impulses also flow into economics, and devote ourselves to national economic accounting or the calculation of a country's GDP. The students also deal with the economy and economic growth before moving on to economic and economic policy. Here you will find out to what extent the state or the European Central Bank can intervene in economic processes. Another big chapter is the EU, where we take a closer look at its origins and its institutions, among other things.

In October 2021 it will be possible for our students to take part in the early Matura in this subject for the first time.

s 2020 geography 01s 2020 geography 03


Schwab Gernot, MMag.

MMag. Gernot Schwab

General education