
Agricultural management


Agricultural management

School-autonomous focus in the field of agriculture (3rd, 4th and 5th years)

The lessons cover the essential content of corporate management (strategic and operational management), market management (market research, benchmarking, outsourcing, etc.), human resources management (recruitment, personnel development, personnel remuneration, etc.) and employee management (motivation and support). of employees, communication with employees, etc.).

Furthermore, risk management (how do I deal with risks that can affect a company) and crisis management (how do I deal with crises (strategic crisis, success crisis, liquidity crisis) play an important role in teaching.

During business planning, an optimal business organization is calculated (highest company income, best utilization of the company's resources, etc.) that is possible with the company's existing resources (land, labor, buildings, machines).

For many farmers and foresters, the compensation payments and subsidies within the framework of the common agricultural policy and rural development form a significant part of the income from agriculture and forestry. For this reason, the current guidelines on this topic are central knowledge for operations managers.

The creation of a business plan is a central task of corporate management. Therefore, the essential components of a business plan are discussed during the lesson and developed using concrete examples. Marketing plays a central role in the business plan. This means that the most important marketing tools (product policy, pricing policy, communication policy and distribution policy) are developed in class. Finally, a business idea is developed and a business plan is created.

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