Cattle in the pasture
@HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


@HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


The field of agriculture with a school focus on agricultural management is a 5-year course that ends with the school leaving certificate and diploma examination.

The training in Raumberg-Gumpenstein imparts the best agricultural knowledge, incorporating the latest results from research in Gumpenstein. Our graduates are therefore ideally equipped to work professionally in agriculture, forestry and all other economic sectors. They also have very good conditions to be able to pursue further studies at colleges and universities.

In addition to theoretical lessons in the central areas of agriculture (crop production, livestock farming, agricultural technology, forestry, organic farming), practical lessons also play a central role. Food is processed (meat, milk, fruit), which is then used in the school's kitchen, and skills in the areas of woodworking, metalworking, agricultural technology, animal husbandry and forestry are taught.

Outside of school, the students complete 22 weeks of practical work on agricultural and forestry farms over three years. Many people take advantage of the opportunity to do this practice abroad (that is, throughout Europe) and get to know other countries and improve their language skills (English, Italian).

In addition to agricultural training, our students are also optimally prepared for life in the areas of business administration and accounting, natural sciences and general education.

The school's focus on agricultural management deepens economic training in the areas of corporate management, human resources management, controlling, risk management and operational planning. Furthermore, a business plan for a company is created as part of the lesson.

The comprehensive training in the field of agriculture enables our graduates to lead a successful life in many professional areas of everyday economic life.

Important content in the field of agricultural management is:

  • Comprehensive agricultural and forestry training (crop production, livestock farming, organic farming, forestry, agricultural technology)
  • Central Matura in German, mathematics and English
  • Natural science education
  • Business and corporate management (economic, personal and social skills)
  • Practical agricultural and forestry training

Technical board:

Breitenbaumer Othmar, Prof. DI