
Raumberg-Gumpenstein at the Long Night of Research in the Palmenhaus Vienna

On May 23, 2024, we presented our specialist station on biodiversity and alpine pastures at the Long Night of Research in the Palmenhaus Vienna. This event offered a wonderful opportunity to present our work and our commitment to preserving biodiversity and the sustainable management of alpine pastures to a broad audience.

Our experts informed the numerous visitors about the diversity of alpine flora and fauna and gave insights into current research projects to promote biodiversity. Our interactive presentation, which illustrated the central role of alpine pastures in the ecosystem and the role of bees in biodiversity, was particularly popular.

In many conversations with interested visitors, our team discovered that the diversity of nature develops when it is managed sustainably and not left to its own devices.

We would like to thank all visitors for their interest and the stimulating discussions. The positive response encourages us in our commitment and we look forward to future opportunities to share our research and educational offerings.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this event and to our photographers.

Pictures of the Long Night of Research 2024 in the Palmenhaus

Interesting facts about the life of bees - short film


Biodiversity on the Alpine pasture - short film


Long Night of Research 2024 - Raumberg-Gumpenstein information stand

Long Night of Research 2024 - Raumberg-Gumpenstein information stand

 (C) Mirjam Freund


Bohner Andreas, Dr.

Dr. Andreas Bohner

Environmental ecology
Huber Reinhard

Reinhard Huber

sheep and goats
Naynar Maria, DI

Yours, Maria Naynar

sheep and goats