
Organic livestock day with HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On Friday, April 26, 2024, Bio AUSTRIA successfully organized the third Austrian Organic Livestock Day together with the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein at the Rotholz State Agricultural College in Tyrol.

The top-class event combined the best of research and practice and offered many opportunities to exchange knowledge and provide sustainable development of organic agriculture The close connection between theory and practice was particularly evident in the 28 specialist stations, which relied not only on theoretical knowledge but also on practical experience.

The following seven specialist articles were competently presented by the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and discussed with the visitors.

  • It's all a question of setting: What we should pay attention to when adjusting the grassland equipment. Alfred Pöllinger-Zierler
  • Systematic success: Recommendations for good pasture management for different pasture systems. Johann Häusler
  • The time is now! How we prepare our meadows and pastures for climate changes. Walter Starz
  • Does it taste good? Evaluate basic feed with your senses. Reinhard Resch
  • The right sheep breed: Ideal sheep breeds and crosses for lamb fattening and milk production on organic farms. Reinhard Huber
  • Modern sensor technology: Possibilities and limits in dairy farming for herd management, heat and disease detection. Christian carnival
  • Fodder from the field: Use catch crops from arable farming as fodder. Daniel Lehner

The exchange between research institutes, associations and agricultural businesses was exemplary for cooperation within the organic sector . Everyone involved is thanked for their commitment and participation.


Organic livestock conference with the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Organic livestock conference with the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

 (c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation
Starz Walter, Dr.

Dr. Walter Starz

Organic grassland and agriculture
Ofner-Schröck Elfriede, Dr

Dr. Elfriede Ofner-Schröck

Head of Institute for Organic Agriculture & Livestock Biodiversity
