All-day pasture

All-day pasture

With full-day grazing, the animals stay on the pasture practically all day or dairy cows only come into the stable during milking time - the grazing period is therefore 20-24 hours per day. This process requires the largest amount per animal...
Hourly or half-day pasture

Hourly or half-day pasture

Half-day grazing occurs when the cattle are kept on pasture for around 7-10 hours per day. This usually occurs either throughout the day (day grazing) or from evening to morning (night grazing). When grazing half-day, cattle take about...
Grazing strategies

Grazing strategies

Depending on the daily grazing duration and supplementary feeding, different grazing strategies can be implemented on the farm. Only a grazing strategy that is tailored to the company and location is promising in the long term. Any grazing strategy...
Alpine pasture systems

Alpine pasture systems

Alpine pastures are ecologically very sensitive locations. They have a special value for the environment, tourism, nature conservation and ecology. Sustainable alpine farming makes the best possible use of the location-specific feed availability. The farmer steers through...