Goals and tasks

Goals and tasks

Animal genetic resources and organic agendas

Scientific support and controlling of breeding measures for endangered livestock breeds; Development of strategies for the conservation of endangered livestock breeds within the framework of organic farming and landscape management; Representation of the BML in the standing committee of the European Commission on questions of the EU Organic Regulation 834/2007; National and international contact point for organic associations and organic organizations; Advisory and coordinating function on questions about animal and plant bioproduction.

  • Monitoring the stocks of rare management of the Austrian National Association for Gene Reserves (ÖNGENE)
  • Advising the BML on the planning of measures to preserve the genetic diversity of farm animals (ÖPUL measure “Rare farm animal breeds”)
  • Basic research to preserve biodiversity
  • Experimental and research projects for the preservation of genetic material
  • Characterization of special properties of rare farm animal breeds
  • Networking and coordination of measures taken to protect endangered livestock breeds
  • National Focal Point for animal genetic resources (contact person for FAO, reporting activity for ERFP)