HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/I. Mösenbacher-Molterer

Testing techniques for air conditioning in stables

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/I. Mösenbacher-Molterer

Testing techniques for air conditioning in stables

The Animal Husbandry Systems, Technology and Emissions Department is a testing center in accordance with Section 8 Paragraph 1 of the Specialist Center/Husody Systems Ordinance (FstHVO) for stable facilities in the livestock sector and is specialized in the testing of air conditioning solutions in the Testing and Test Analysis Department in collaboration with the Specialist Center for Animal-Friendly Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare specialized.

New technologies are tested in close coordination on practical farms or in the research stables of the Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute Raumberg-Gumpenstein, where, if the assessment is positive, the company's goal is to award new technical equipment for animal husbandry that has been brought onto the market from 2012 onwards can be seen on the Austrian animal protection license plate.

In view of the relevance and legal obligation to give preference to tested products in the livestock sector, companies operating in the Austrian market are required to contact the specialist office or the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in order to have their climate solutions subjected to a thorough, neutral test to undergo.

Tests already completed: OptiAirTubes: Testing of tube ventilation systems for climate optimization in livestock stables

Inquiries about exams are in This email address is protected from spambots! JavaScript must be enabled to display. or on This email address is protected from spambots! JavaScript must be enabled to display. to provide.


32 2024 calf stable climate


Mösenbacher-Molterer Irene, Ing.in

Ing.in Irene Mösenbacher-Molterer

Animal husbandry systems, technology and emissions
Zentner Eduard, engineer, department head

Ing. Eduard Zentner

Animal husbandry systems, technology and emissions