Alfalfa in bud stage
(C) AK Milch_Stmk, Styrian Chamber of Agriculture

Red clover and alfalfa in cattle farming - 73rd Podcast

(C) AK Milch_Stmk, Styrian Chamber of Agriculture

Red clover and alfalfa in cattle farming - 73rd Podcast

Recommendations for feeding cattle with red clover and alfalfa

Clover and alfalfa are valuable plants – both on arable and grassland farms. They fit perfectly into the crop rotation and provide high-quality feed for ruminants!

You can find out what is important when feeding clover and alfalfa in the podcast episode with DI Karl Wurm. DI Wurm has been working successfully as a consultant at the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture for years and is a popular lecturer, seminar leader, working group and feeding consultant, and has written numerous publications and books.

Listen in and optimize the feeding of your cattle!



In this podcast episode, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with DI Karl Wurm, long-time feeding consultant at the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture, about the use of alfalfa and red clover in cattle feeding - just take a look:



The Austrian Working Group for Grassland and Livestock Industry has published ÖAG-Info 3/2023 on the topic of organic clover and alfalfa grass - recommendations on plant cultivation, harvesting, preservation and feeding and has provided an excerpt for you. be ordered from ÖAG (

ÖAG information 3/2023