
Sensory quality assessment of silage, fermented hay and hay 2022


Sensory quality assessment of silage, fermented hay and hay 2022

On Thursday, October 13, 2022, the seminar "Sensory quality assessment of silage, fermented hay and hay" will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

The seminar participants will be introduced practically and theoretically to the basics of sensory feed evaluation with the new ÖAG scheme 2020. The focus is on the practical sensory appeal of silage and hay samples with the new evaluation sheets in order to identify and classify quality defects. In addition, the effects of forage quality on ruminant feeding and other livestock are discussed.

It is desirable to bring your own food sample(s) with you for evaluation.

Registration is now possible at 03682/22451-320 or by email . The number of participants is limited, early registration is recommended!

You can find more information about this here .



Resch Reinhard, Ing.

Ing. Reinhard Resch

Head of analytics and feed evaluation department