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HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

FarmLife learning platform now available on

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

FarmLife learning platform now available on

A comprehensive package of teaching materials for the farm management tool for teachers at agricultural schools, which was expanded again last year, has been available on the learning platform of the University of Agricultural and Environmental Education for several years.

The entire range of brochures, videos, worksheets, presentations and much more has recently been available for free download on our website HERE

Introductory modules such as "History of the Environment", "Sustainability and Agriculture" and "Life Cycle Assessment" among others introduce the topic before the further modules deal in detail with the farm management tool FarmLife and with eco-efficient agriculture. An additional area of ​​the teaching materials introduces the topic of animal welfare and enables teachers to also use the animal welfare module on

The files on the FarmLife learning platform are well structured and, in addition to the usual teaching materials, also offer lesson-enhancing work suggestions and activities that have been developed thematically to fit FarmLife and the area of ​​eco-efficient agriculture. Among the materials you will also find instructions and scientific basics about FarmLife.

The package, which was previously only given to graduates of one of our FarmLife basic seminars for teachers (Train the Trainer) in the form of the FarmLife education box, is now freely available. It should be mentioned that it is certainly possible to familiarize yourself with the business management tool - but it is still recommended that you attend one of the training courses in order to gain a deeper understanding of the tool and its areas (detailed data collection and interpretation of the business results). and to be able to pass on this knowledge adequately in class. Also e.g. B. recording and analyzing the students' home businesses in class or in the form of a school project can only take place if the teachers involved have received appropriate training.

If you have any feedback or questions, please contact FarmLife Helpdesk under This email address is protected from spambots! JavaScript must be enabled to display..


Finotti Elisabeth, Mag.a

Mag.a Elisabeth Finotti

Economics and resource management