Andean lupine
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Large EU project at the Bio-Institut – Andean lupins as a future protein plant

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Large EU project at the Bio-Institut – Andean lupins as a future protein plant

In the EU project LIBBIO, 14 research units from 8 countries will work intensively together over the next four years. The project volume amounts to just under 5 million. Euro. LIBBIO is funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 program.
In cross-border cooperation, researchers from different disciplines work intensively together to further develop the Andean lupine into a valuable and widely usable cultivated plant. We are working on questions about breeding, nutrient content, the reduction of unfavorable plant ingredients, the optimal design of cultivation, the crop rotation effect and the possible uses of Andean lupins for humans and animals.

Andean lupine – a plant with a future!

One advantage of lupine is its higher protein content and, above all, its taproot, with which it can absorb nutrients from deeper soil layers, primarily phosphorus, and break through soil compaction. Lupins also prefer more extensive soils that are not otherwise used for agricultural purposes. Among the various types of lupine, the Andean lupine has a particularly high protein content and is extremely modest in its location requirements. Protein plants are also important members of every arable crop rotation, especially in livestock-free farms. Due to their special ability to bind atmospheric nitrogen with their nodule bacteria and make it usable for the next crop, they are of great importance. In addition to local legumes such as peas and field beans, lupins will also increasingly serve as protein suppliers in the future.

Press release Kleine Zeitung: Plant from the Andes becomes a project in the Ennstal (Wednesday, May 18, 2016)

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