Review of the 12th Horse Conference 2024

educational event in the horse sector on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 in Aigen im Ennstal was a complete success After switching to a purely face-to-face event in order to promote networking and exchange on site again, around 300 visitors were welcomed to the Puttererseehalle with high-ranking guests of honor from the horse industry.

A very exciting and diverse range of topics spanned after the welcome by Deputy Director Dr. Andreas Steinwidder on the ministerial contribution of DI Dr. Johannes Frickh (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management) to psychologist Johanna Constantini from Innsbruck about the work-life balance between joy and excessive demands in the horse sector. The subsequent block was dedicated to the Austrian judging system in breeding and sport.

After an introduction by the new Secretary General of the Austrian Equestrian Sports Association, Mr. Franz Schiefermair, technical expert and long-time judge representative of the Carinthian State Equestrian Sports Association, Ing. Elfriede Hazrati, focused on sports judges For breeding in this area, the profound and wealth of experience expert DI Dr. Leopold Erasimus can be won.


He reported extensively on the historical paths of breeding judgeship and the importance of good, professional judging in practice. Mag. Agnieszka Florczyk from the VetMedUni Vienna discussed breeding and breed standards from a veterinary perspective. The presentation of the breed at the conference was a long-standing tradition. This year the choice was made to breed Arabian horses in Austria .

The President of the Austrian Arabian Breeding Association, Mr. Franz Hoppenberger, and breeding expert DI Dr. Peter Zechner explained the breed standards and the areas of application of this breed, which is described as extremely sociable and versatile. There was also an impressive presentation of the thoroughbred Arabians, the noblest and oldest horse breed in the world, where the main breeding goals were robust health, good physical and mental resilience with a balanced temperament. 

There was reason to celebrate on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Rural Riders and Drivers Austria , where managing director Cornelia Sonnleitner, after a historical overview, asked long-time companions Herbert Gugganig and President Paul Kendlbacher about their work and current events.

A large veterinary block was completed with a comprehensive lecture and impressive pictures by Ms. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florien Jenner; Head of the horse clinic at the VetMedUni Vienna, started on emergency management for horses. Afterwards, the Rector of the VetMedUni Vienna, Ms. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Petra Winter about the shortage of veterinarians in rural regions as well as the measures taken and well-considered goals of the university to ensure veterinary care in the future.

As President of the Association of Austrian Equine Veterinarians , Dr. Sebastian Leibetseder, who introduced his institution and discussed the reporting obligation and recommendations for various horse diseases. Austrian Horse Hay Gala concluded by Ing. Reinhard Resch, who described the analysis and target values ​​of all hay samples submitted in his usual precise manner in order to point out the importance of good quality in horse feeding.

A worthy award ceremony with valuable non-cash prizes from the companies Kraiburg, Fixkraft and the Rosenau feed laboratory brought great joy to the award winners, all of whom come from the federal state of Lower Austria. First place in the award went to a beaming Barbara Schneider. The organizers Dr. Birgit Heidinger and Ing. Irene Mösenbacher were extremely pleased with the positive outcome and the great commitment of the exhibitors, sponsors and the organizing committee, representing all relevant Austrian horse institutions, and concluded the 12th Austrian Horse Conference with a thank you to all the helping hands .

Pictures of the 12th Horse Conference 2024


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