
Review of the 11th Horse Conference 2023

The event took place on Saturday, March 4, 2023 11th Horse Conference  in the Puttererseehalle in Aigen iE starting at 9:30. The date for the 12th equine conference has already been set - Saturday, March 2, 2024. The program and registration form are expected to be published in November 2023 activated here on this website. For further information, please contact Ms. Daniela Vockenhuber directly ( This email address is protected from spambots! JavaScript must be enabled to display.) or 03682 22541 378.

The largest Austrian educational event in the horse sector was held on Saturday, March 4th, 2023 in the Puttererseehalle in Aigen im Ennstal. After the difficulties of the Corona years, the organizing committee around Dr. Birgit Heidinger and Ing. Irene Mösenbacher-Molterer (HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein) were positively encouraged due to increasing visitor numbers. 340 participants from Austria and Germany were welcomed in a hybrid form thanks to current and explosive topic areas.

The start took place in the form of a moving lecture on ethical considerations and questions as well as a high-level panel discussion on this topic with representatives from sports, breeding and veterinary medicine. Safety as well as legal and animal welfare-related aspects in road traffic through to the training of driving horses formed the second conference block.  

The presentation of Austrian breeds is a beautiful tradition, with this year, in addition to the Austrian riding pony, newly introduced breeds such as the Austrian pony and the Austrian partbred pony were also presented. Extensive discussions and answers to relevant questions accompanied the entry and mandatory reporting of the stay of equines in the VIS database and led to a large veterinary block covering topics such as the influence of heat on the horse, the detection of lameness and its physiotherapeutic treatment options included interesting insights into complementary medical methods and rounded off the day of the event in an informative manner.

The Austrian Equine Conference with an accompanying specialist exhibition is distinguished every year by practical and scientifically based contributions. In addition to the high level of interest shown by the participants, the award is also rewarded by further training recognition from the Austrian Equestrian Sports Association, the Austrian Animal Health Service as well as agricultural and forestry teaching and advice.

This successful specialist event will be continued in cooperation with all Austrian horse-related institutions in spring 2024. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us: This email address is protected from spambots! JavaScript must be enabled to display..

Impressions from the 11th horse conference in Aigen im Ennstal 2023


Downloads of shared posts

You can find the proceedings of the 2023 Horse Conference at the top to browse through; The downloads of the 2023 Horse Conference are compiled for you here:


 (C) Sonja Bauer