Current research

Automatic milking system in the cattle research barn

Automatic milking system in the cattle research barn

It is important for research to keep up with the times. We therefore decided at the Institute for Livestock Research to convert the milking system from a double 4-tandem milking parlor to an automatic milking system. At the beginning of the year...
Alpine lysimeter station at Stoderzinken

Alpine lysimeter station at Stoderzinken

On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, it was that time again when the Environmental Ecology department set about making the alpine lysimeter station at 1800m above sea level on Stoderzinken winter-ready.
School meets research in Lambach/Stadl-Paura

School meets research in Lambach/Stadl-Paura

As part of the plant cultivation lesson, Matura class 5 L visited on September 30th on an excursion with their teacher Prof. DI Dr. Herbert Schwarz the location of the Bio-Institut in Lambach/Stadl-Paura.
2nd Lungau Horse Symposium

2nd Lungau Horse Symposium

Under the motto “Healthy and strong through species-rich hay & horses in the forest” a hybrid conference dedicated to horses took place on Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 at the Tamsweg Agricultural College. This event was held in...