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  • ClimClass project: Investigation of climatic demarcation criteria for the disadvantaged area of ​​Austria

ClimClass project: Investigation of climatic demarcation criteria for the disadvantaged area of ​​Austria

Project manager

Schaumberger Andreas, Dr.

Mag. MSc. Andreas Schaumberger

Grassland management and cultural landscape

In this project, the climatic conditions, derived from the detailed studies for the normal climate period 1971 to 2000, were examined for various parameters such as “low temperatures” or “soil water balance” for the delimitation of other disadvantaged areas. Criteria such as the calculation of the number of “non-dry days” were defined by the Joint Research Center (JRC) and implemented in a GIS for the BMLRT.

  • Project manager institute: Institute 2 - Plant production

The climatic development in recent decades shows, on the one hand, a significant lengthening of the growing season and, on the other hand, an increase in dry periods. If the duration of the growing season increases due to higher temperatures, the number of non-dry days also increases, since water stress does not occur in the marginal areas (March and November) in Austria and this therefore only leads to a higher number of non-dry days . The higher temperatures in the summer months are accompanied by a reduction in water availability, although this does not have a significant impact on the reduction in non-dry days due to the extension of the growing season.


Schaumberger, A. (2009): Investigation of climatic demarcation criteria for the disadvantaged area of ​​Austria, final report, HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Irdning, 48 p.