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    • Effects of a change in feed from stable to pasture farming on the digestive processes and milk production of dairy cows

    Effects of a change in feed from stable to pasture farming on the digestive processes and milk production of dairy cows

    Pasture farming is the most natural form of ruminant nutrition. In addition, arguments such as increased animal welfare and low environmental impacts also speak in favor of pasture. Due to climatic conditions, grazing in Austria is limited to the summer months and must therefore always be seen in connection with a change in feed.

    In order to get the rumen microbes used to the new feed situation, a gentle change in feed is required. With the help of manure screening, a tool is to be created to monitor the gentle change in feed on site at the farm. In addition, this experiment is intended to clarify whether there are differences in the conversion phase between the short-grass pasture and paddock pasture systems. The results of this study should make it easier for newcomers to grazing as well as grazing professionals to switch feed. 


    Cow dung

    Cow dung

     HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Gappmaier

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