Research projects

Agricultural resources - economic operation

Häusler Johann

Johann Häusler

Cattle fattening and product quality

The economic operations of the Institute for Livestock Research represent the basis for the experimental activities of all departments of the institute. Its task is to create, maintain and improve the infrastructure in order to meet the diverse requirements and needs of research.

The farm has 82.5 hectares of agricultural land and a herd consisting of around 170 cattle and around 120 sheep and goats.

The most important tasks of the business are:

  • Grassland management and feed preparation:

For the individual experiments, the basic feedstuffs grass and corn are required in different preserved forms (green fodder or pasture, hay, silage) and in different feed qualities. This must be taken into account when managing the land. The type of crop and choice of variety, as well as care measures, fertilization and harvest dates, must be precisely coordinated with the experimental plan. The feed must be stored separately and delivered to the individual experimental stables as required.

Each project requires its own concentrated feed mixtures, which are produced from the individual components required in the farm's own feed grinding and mixing plant in accordance with the specifications of the individual experimental plans.

  • Animal and herd care:

The basis for every experiment is to have test groups that are as homogeneous as possible. This in turn requires a sufficiently large herd from which the required number of suitable test animals can be selected. The composition of the herd must be constantly adapted to the respective requirements.

  • Project preparation, adaptations, building renovations and conversions, repairs and maintenance:

As part of project preparation, structural changes or adaptations often have to be made. Each project places different demands on the buildings, requires special facilities and furnishings and, if necessary, technical innovations must be made or installed.

The existing test facilities as well as all machines and devices or weighing devices must be maintained periodically and repaired immediately in the event of damage in order to enable the test to run smoothly. Standing times must be kept as short as possible in test operations, as they lead to test errors and inaccuracies.






Agricultural resources

Agricultural resources

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Haeusler


Economy and resources

Häusler Johann (2005 - 2015)