Offers and courses

Own stock insemination course

Own stock insemination course

The own herd insemination course is interesting for cattle farms. Pupils can acquire this qualification in a course in higher grades


Music is very important in Raumberg. Everyone who comes to Raumberg with previous musical and instrumental knowledge has the opportunity to play in groups such as brass band, school choir, folk music groups or individually at the piano...
Research modules

Research modules

As part of school education, insight into modern research is made possible by scientists designing teaching units. They offer up-to-date, first-hand knowledge and are available to answer technical questions and support...
ECDL - ECDL advanced

ECDL - ECDL advanced

Our school is a qualified test center for the European computer driving license ECDL and for the next higher level, the ECDL Advanced. All those who have only partially acquired the seven ECDL modules or none at all will...
Hunting course

Hunting course

In preparation for the official hunting examination, an optional subject is taught by an experienced forestry and wildlife ecologist. If the exam is actually to be taken, the costs and fees for official procedures and...


Those interested are introduced to aquatic ecology and fishing through a time-blocked, non-binding exercise. Contact: {mosperson:333:Schaffer Roman, Prof. DI DDr.:full} {mosperson:348:Schwab Gernot, MMag.:full}
Driving license courses

Driving license courses

Before the main practical training between the 3rd and 4th years, acquiring a tractor driving license is highly recommended. The training for this and other driving license groups is carried out in the school building by an external driving school. Through the...
Practice company

Practice company

The processes in a company - company register, organization, communication and correspondence, business cases and complaints, bookkeeping and cost accounting - are presented in our practice companies. The business management...


At the boarding school, students have the opportunity to take part in numerous creative activities and thus spend their free time. Textile work, drawing and painting, airbrushing, modeling with plaster or clay are popular...

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