Business Administration
@HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Business administration and accounting

@HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Business administration and accounting

In business administration and accounting we learn what it means to run a company. The individual management tasks can best be described using the management control loop.


In order to control your set goals, to take planning steps, to form the basis for decision-making, it is important to use accounting tools. We therefore learn the three major areas of accounting, cost accounting and planning accounting. In order for an entrepreneur to be successful, he or she must constantly collect information and communicate (e.g. build networks to advance his or her interests)

In order to understand the coming flood of information, we need to learn the basics, i.e. know about the legal, economic and general framework conditions in agriculture. Because we want to continue to submit our taxes on time in the future, know the dangers and risks of our chosen legal form, and know about statutory social security. But in order to be truly successful, we have to respond to the wishes (needs) of our customers in all business decisions.
The fine marketing instruments help us to find a suitable marketing mix for our target groups. Because in our saturated markets it is increasingly said: “Find desires and fulfill them” and not “produce and sales will take care of themselves.”

s 2020 business administration
