Educational offering

Sport climbing

Healthy body – healthy mind

Climbing is one of the healthiest and most versatile sports. It strengthens the muscles (holistic muscle use), improves endurance and dexterity, increases well-being and self-confidence. Climbing has both an indirect and direct impact on mental health - it improves body awareness. Dealing with your own possibilities and limitations increases self-assessment, self-confidence and self-esteem. Climbing is fascinating.

Climbing – a popular sport

Climbing is now a popular sport that can be practiced all year round. Unlike in the early years, when climbing was dangerous and an activity for few daredevils, today anyone can take a climbing course in a climbing hall. Nevertheless, climbing remains an adventure. The belayer is responsible for another person , the climbing partners must trust each other 100%. This aspect underlines the social and communicative component of climbing.

Climbing in Raumberg

The first climbing attempts are started on our new climbing wall in the gym with routes of varying difficulty levels. The boys and girls learn the possible uses and handling of climbing equipment as well as the advantages of effective climbing technique . In conjunction with the right equipment, learning and applying optimal belaying techniques (partner belaying and self-belaying) is always the focus of the training. For advanced participants in the inclined group, a trip to the great climbing hall in Liezen or a trip to the climbing garden in Pürgg is a welcome change.

Always stop well and we'll see each other again.
Huber Alexander, Huababua-Bavaria

Graduate climbing

Graduate climbing

 @HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein