Sports lessons with/with friends!

Sports lessons with/with friends!

It was with great anticipation that year 4L and 4U set off for the summer sports week in Carinthia at Lake Millstättersee in the last week of school.

Sports in many variations were on the “timetable”: sailing, surfing, SUP, tennis, climbing, kayaking, dancing, yoga, beach VB. For some activities, the wake-up time was as early as 4 a.m. - you have to get up early to watch the sunrise on the mountain.

Or paddling into the sunrise on a SUP - wonderful. Teamwork in joint activities strengthens the class community and is fun.

Thanks to all participants for the nice, personal encounters and a big thank you to the accompanying teacher team for their great support: Schwarz-Sonnleitner-Hanus-Lindenhofer.                                   

Get moving!   

Mauthner Charly (sports week leader)