Site-appropriate greenery in high altitudes

In the last twenty-five years there has been a rapid development of technology for revegetation in high altitudes in the Austrian Alps. The excavator has replaced the bulldozer, and the preservation and reuse of existing vegetation has become a matter of course in many places. At the beginning of the 1990s, seeds of locally appropriate subalpine and alpine species were not available. Twenty-four different species are now being propagated on a large scale and offered in sufficient quantities. The modern state of the art developed from these possibilities is the standard practiced in most federal states. However, due to extreme site conditions and alternative objectives, there are still challenges that require new strategies and solutions - accompanied by science.

To ensure a successful greeting, a number of measures must be taken into account. from

To ensure a successful greeting, a number of measures must be taken into account. from

 (c)HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein