Dynamics in the growing season

As soon as there is no snow in spring and the temperatures begin to rise, the winter rest turns into the growing season as the meadows and pastures turn green. The start of growth depends on the altitude according to the altitude gradient of the temperature.

At higher altitudes, an increasing shift in the start of vegetation is to be expected due to the usually longer snow cover period. This results in a very strong spatial differentiation of vegetation duration for the grassland in the Austrian mountain area. At higher altitudes, the often significantly shorter growing time is one of the most important reasons for the limited usage potential. Lower temperatures also cause the plant community to adapt, which, together with the soil's lower performance potential, leads to a reduction in yields.

The growing season is shaped by climatic influences and is crucial for both management measures and the biomass development of agricultural crops.

The growing season is shaped by climatic influences and is crucial for both management measures and the biomass development of agricultural crops.

 The growing season is shaped by climatic influences and is crucial for both management measures and the biomass development of agricultural crops.