The Return of the Wolf - Podcast discussion at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
(c) University Prof. Dr. Klaus Hackländer

Returnee Wolf – Challenges and Solutions - 80th Podcast

(c) University Prof. Dr. Klaus Hackländer

Returnee Wolf – Challenges and Solutions - 80th Podcast

What does the return of wolves mean for livestock farming, hunting and society?

The wolf is reclaiming former territories and presenting livestock farmers and other land managers with major challenges. What does the presence of wolves mean for our cultural landscape , how can we livestock losses and will alpine farming be preserved? Dr. Johann Gasteiner has Univ.Prof. Dr. Klaus Hackländer , board member of the German Wildlife Foundation and head of the Institute for Wildlife Biology and Hunting at BOKU Vienna, is a guest and addresses many topics relating to the return of wolves:

  • legal framework
  • favorable state of preservation
  • Withdrawal options
  • Herd protection
  • Impact on other game species and hunting.

If you are interested in the effects of the return of wolves on livestock farming, hunting and society, then just listen:


 In this podcast episode you talk to Dr. Johann Gasteiner with Univ. Prof. Dr. Klaus Hackländer on the effects and challenges of the return of the wolf – just take a look:



Further information