Don't waste food - Caritas helps
(C) Caritas

Caritas: Food is valuable - 74th Podcast

(C) Caritas

Caritas: Food is valuable - 74th Podcast

Don't waste valuable food - Caritas helps!

The cost of living is rising sharply. The number of people who ask for food at Styrian food banks also increases. “We are seeing more and more people who are coming under so much pressure due to inflation and rising rent and energy costs that there is nothing left for grocery shopping,” says Caritas director Nora Tödtling-Musenbichler.

how food rescue works in Styria and how you can support yourself.

Caritas, with a total of more than 2,500 employees in Styria and many volunteers, has set itself the goal of supporting people in need. , the following rails for food rescue were considered :

  • goods that have almost expired and can no longer be sold and to give them to those in need at food banks
  • Food donations to provide reliable long-term care for people in need
    - e.g. Aktion Herz , in which over 60 savings stores in Styria take part or
    - food donations of agricultural products (surpluses, products with "optical defects", ...)
  • and various donations in kind.

In order for the system to function, Caritas is constantly challenged: You first have to get to the food that needs to be saved so that you can then distribute it to those in need.

how Caritas tries to master the logistical challenges of food rescue - from finding and collecting the products, from storage to distribution - in this podcast with Ms. Eva Bakalli, Head of the Region and Commitment Department at Caritas Steiermark .

You will also learn how you can get involved and support people in need with donations of time, material and money.

Listen in and get an idea of ​​how food rescue and support for people in need currently works in Styria.



In this podcast episode, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Mag. Eva Bakalli about Caritas Steiermark in general and food rescue with us in particular - just take a look:



Further information about food rescue by Caritas Steiermark


(C) Caritas Styria

