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(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

WEBINAR: How do I run my farm in a location-appropriate and eco-efficient manner?

(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Finotti, E.

WEBINAR: How do I run my farm in a location-appropriate and eco-efficient manner?



WEBINAR: How do I run my farm in a location-appropriate and eco-efficient manner?

Eco-efficient agriculture means recognizing ecological connections and combining them with your own economic needs and the possibilities of the location. In this webinar we will address this topic.

Project manager

Finotti Elisabeth, Mag.a

Mag.a Elisabeth Finotti

Economics and resource management


Guggenberger Thomas, Dr.

Dr. Thomas Guggenberger, MSc

Head of the Institute for Livestock Research