Participants of the excursion
(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Visit from the state agricultural officers

(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Visit from the state agricultural officers

In the run-up to the State Agricultural Conference chaired by ÖkR Johann Seitinger, a nice group used the time to find out about the latest developments from us. After the welcome from the Styrian Agricultural Council, Director Dr. Hausleitner about the institution in general and the head of research and innovation Dr. Gasteiner about research and its possibilities in Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

The participants were then given a short tour of the institution

  • ClimGrass system for simulating climate change,
  • the experiences from the first deployment of the predator emergency team around the crack incident in Rauris,
  • the respiratory chamber for measuring the methane excretion of ruminants and
  • The exhaust air purification system for reducing ammonia emissions for