(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    Successful collaboration with the Med. UNI Graz

    (C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    Successful collaboration with the Med. UNI Graz

    As part of the Luquasta (immission and emission measurements of bioaerosols in the area of ​​poultry and pig stables), which was carried out from 2018 to 2021, several master's theses were carried out by students from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz at the Gumpenstein research site.

    The focus was on surveys of the germ spectrum in the air in the compartments of cattle, goat, pig and poultry stables as well as studies on the microbial colonization of the skin of farm animals and on surfaces in contact with animals.

    Under the title “ Concentrations of mesophilic bacteria in a poultry farm over two fattening periods focusing on the presence of staphylococci and enterococci ” - in addition to a master's thesis - a scientific article was recently published in the well-known journal FEMS Microbes.

    We would like to thank the first author Univ. Doc. in Dr. in Doris Haas from the Diagnostics & Research Institute for Hygiene, Microbiology and Environmental Medicine at the Med. Univ. Graz for the good professional and collegial cooperation.

    The successful collaboration with the Diagnostics & Research Institute for Hygiene, Microbiology and Environmental Medicine of the Med. Univ. Graz continued in the SaLuT (Clean Air in Animal Production: Emission Reduction and Animal Welfare in Pig Fattening). Under the direction of Dr. Herbert Galler is investigating the bioaerosol emissions in and around the low-emission animal welfare stable under investigation and is helping to complete the emissions and immissions picture of this novel stable construction concept for fattening pigs.

    A joint project by the Med. Univ. is currently being submitted. Graz, the Vet. Med. Univ. Vienna and the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein to investigate the microbiome in water and biofilm in animal troughs. The innovative method of flow cytometry will be combined with microbiome analysis and the classic cultivation of facultative pathogenic organisms - the data obtained in this way will enable an assessment of the effects of the microbiome, or the individual organisms, on the health of farm animals.


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    Research documentation


    Immission and emission measurements of bioaerosols in the area of ​​poultry and pig stables - sub-area HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    Kropsch Michael (2018 - 2020)