Korean students visiting Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Project manager

Velik Margit, Dr

Dr. Margit Velik

Cattle fattening and product quality

On Monday September 2nd, 2024, 30 Korean students from the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries visited us along with their professor and interpreter.

Excursion with Korean visitors

Excursion with Korean visitors

 (c) Margit Velik

Her stay in Germany and Austria, from August 27th to September 5th, was by LHMK Enterprises . In a 1.5-hour tour, Dr. Margit Velik presented the Gumpenstein experimental facilities and research projects in the areas of dairy cows, beef fattening and meat quality. Due to the interested appearance of the Korean students, we are pleased that we were able to give them a little insight into our Raumberg-Gumpenstein research institute.