Puncturing an ear vein to obtain a drop of blood is less stressful for the animal than taking a blood sample from the jugular vein and is also advantageous from an economic perspective. As part of this study, a comparison of the values determined between the jugular vein and the ear vein using a rapid test device should also be carried out.
Furthermore, it should be tested under practical conditions whether the use of the rapid test device is suitable for answering practical questions.
The following questions should therefore be addressed in this study:
- Comparison of the results of the rapid test device regarding BHB and glucose compared to the laboratory value (=gold standard)
- Suitability of the rapid test device for the early detection of multiple pregnancies and/or pregnancy toxicoses in sheep
- Assessment of the energetic supply of dairy sheep during early lactation
- Assessment of the energetic supply of dairy goats during early lactation