Research projects

Studies on the biological control of speckle disease

Huss Herbert, Dr.

Dr. Herbert Huss


The causative agent of the speckle disease, the fungus Ramularia collo-cygni, appeared in Austria in the mid-1980s and has since developed into the dominant barley disease in the northern foothills of the Alps, in the southern Burgenland-East Styrian hills and in Carinthia. Based on extensive observations about the biology of this fungus, strategies to combat this fungus have been developed.

Since the causative agent of barley mottle disease, the fungus Ramularia collo-cygni, only appeared in Europe in the mid-1980s, it remained a scientifically unknown entity for a long time. For the first time, extensive research into the biology of this fungus was carried out in Austria. In time-step experiments it was shown that there is a strong dependence of the expression of symptoms on the physiological developmental state of the barley. In order to be able to record the genotypic resistance differences of the winter barley varieties, the rating data were cleaned of the influence of the timing of ear emergence using a regression residual method.

Leaf with mottling disease

Leaf with mottling disease

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


National partners



biol. Control speckle disease

Huss Herbert (2003)
Institute 4 - Bio