Research projects

Soft skills

Minihuber Ulrike, DI

DI Ulrike Minihuber

Alternative strategies - breeding, husbandry, veterinary medicine
Riffert Victoria, BSc

BSc Victoria Riffert

Alternative strategies - breeding, husbandry, veterinary medicine

Recording the maternal characteristics of breeding sows around birth

In recent decades, the breeding strategy has been focused on characteristics such as large litters, good fattening performance or a high lean meat content. For organic farms, other characteristics such as motherhood during free farrowing, rearing performance, longevity, roughage and protein supply, etc. are also of great importance. The breeding goals should take into account characteristics that describe a sow's ability to successfully raise her piglets. Well-balanced and maternal sows make daily work easier, show positive characteristics during farrowing and when dealing with piglets and thereby bring about labor and economic advantages. The maternal characteristics of a sow can be recorded easily, for example during routine checks, and without much technical effort (with the exception of birth weight). At the Institute for Organic Agriculture in Thalheim/Wels and on 8 organic farms in Upper Austria, maternal characteristics around birth have been recorded and entered into a sow planner since mid-2012. All data is collected and evaluated at the Institute for Organic Agriculture. The complete recording of mother characteristics can be a selection aid for self-reproduction or, on the other hand, can be reported back to the breeder.

Pig in the stable

Pig in the stable

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


Maternal characteristics of organic breeding sows

Riffs Victoria (2015 - 2016)