In the current project, a transferable and scientifically sound modeling framework is being developed, with the help of which regional biomass usage chains and their energy input can be evaluated and optimized. This tool can make a significant contribution to the development of optimized, regionally specific biomass utilization strategies. Aligned with the regional conditions, geographically explicit growth rates of different relevant crop rotations or forestry growth as well as demand structures with regard to energy use in the form of heat and electricity are determined. Food needs and biofuel needs for each region are also estimated and taken into account.
Regional statistical data and land use data on a grid basis will form the essential data basis for the modeling framework. In addition, the model is based on data about climatological influences and possible changes as well as cost structures and ecological factors. Based on this basis, individual biomass use chains are identified for the region and their respective contribution is determined in an ideal state for the region. Emissions, costs, ecological factors and competition limits represent the decisive criteria for this integrative assessment and optimization process.
Based on different assumptions regarding price developments for biomass or climatic changes, individual scenarios for optimized regional biomass use are presented. The model results serve as an awareness-raising tool and as a basis for decision-making for a regional biomass development strategy. In addition, cartographic visualizations support awareness of possible future changes.
The framework to be developed will be used as a case study in the Sauwald region. The methodology and results are made available to the interested public in a WebGIS application.