Research projects


    Eimeria can cause lamb diarrhea, which can also cause high losses on organic farms. In general, treatments against parasite and coccidia infestations with chemical-synthetic drugs should be used as little as possible in order to prevent the possible development of resistance.

    In addition, treatments in organic farming involve a doubling of the waiting time. The herbal mixtures Paramaxin is a supplementary feed that is approved for use in organic farming.
    The aim of these studies is to investigate the emorrhage excretion of lambs and the weight development of the lambs up to slaughter when this herbal mixture is used in practice in organic lamb fattening.

    Sheep in the stable

    Sheep in the stable

     HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


    Influence of a herbal mixture on parasite activity and weight development under lamb fattening conditions

    Podstatzky Leopold (2009 - 2010)