Research projects

Checking carbon dioxide-based foliar fertilization on a permanent meadow

Starz Walter, Dr.

Dr. Walter Starz

Organic grassland and agriculture

At the organic teaching and research facility at the LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein, exact experimental plots are being created on a 3-cut permanent meadow. The area is 740 m and represents a good average amount of grassland in terms of yield.

The plots are cultivated with 2 levels of fertilization. Once with 80 and once with 120 kg N per ha and year, one variant always being treated with no additional agent and the other with a mineral plant strengthening agent (Agrosol). The plant strengthener is applied once before the 1st cut, 2 times after the 1st cut and once after the 2nd cut at 3 kg/ha.

The following points should be checked:

  1. 1. Do the plant populations differ between the variants depending on the project duration? The composition of a cutting meadow provides information about the stability or instability in relation to management and environmental influences. Every form of management has a major influence on the development of the plant population, which is why observation when using new products is very important.
  1. 2. Does the use of mineral plant strengtheners have an influence on the humus content in the soil. The situation of the most important soil parameters should be checked using accompanying soil analyzes so that possible short-term changes can be documented.
  1. 3. There is an increase in quantity and quality yields for the treated variants. It is important to determine how large the difference in yield is between the plots without and with treatment of the mineral plant strengthener. In addition, differences in ingredients are also examined.
  2. 4. Does the use of such resources make economic sense for permanent grassland operations? Since additional funds always involve costs, an economic evaluation is important. A permanent grassland farm in particular has to think very carefully about purchasing resources, since, for example, when looking at current milk prices, any additional effort must be taken into account.

Testing of a leaf fertilization on the basis of CO2 on a permanent meadow

A mineral leaf fertilizer, which delivers CO2 in the stomata's, is applied on a 3 times cutting meadow. The field trial is carried out with different nitrogen fertilization (80 and 120 kg N per ha and year) and the use and not use of the mineral leaf fertilizer. The measure of the biomass and the quality yield is a standard at every cutting time. In the first and last project year soil samples in the spring will be made. In the end of the project the calculation of the marginal income is done. This project should test efficiency of such products on permanent grassland.

  1. 1. Are differences in the plant compositions between the variants after the project period?
  1. 2. Is there an influence from the mineral leaf fertilizer on the soil humus content?
  1. 3. Is an increasing biomass and quality mass between the variants measurable?
  2. 4. Is the use of such products on permanent grassland farms economical?
Employees applying plant strengthening agents

Employees applying plant strengthening agents

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


National partners



Checking CO2-based foliar fertilization on a permanent meadow

Starz Walter (2009 - 2012)