Research projects

    EFABISnet (European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System Network)

    Berger Beate, DTzt.

    Now Beate Berger

    Animal genetic resources and organic agendas

    Integrated networking of decentralized state biodiversity and gene bank databases

    EU program
    Currently, a coordinated query on the status of the databases on animal genetic resources in Europe is only possible via the central databases of the EAAP and the FAO. Both database systems are outdated, incompatible with each other and not networked with existing national databases. Online database queries at EAAP and FAO are possible, but do not provide reliable results as the data quality varies greatly between countries. An internationally uniform database structure makes work significantly easier at the national level, as only one database needs to be maintained. Internationally, the uniform structure and networking enables coordinated and reliable information on the status of animal genetic resources and gene banks in the respective countries for the first time.

    By creating, updating and networking animal genetic databases in all EU countries, targeted, precise queries on livestock populations and animal gene banks are made possible.
    Possible users include the respective agricultural ministries, animal breeding organizations of the federal states and breeding associations as well as schools, NGOs, breeders and interested private individuals.

    The database also serves as a tool to obtain reliable information about the endangered populations of rare livestock breeds in Europe and to initiate appropriate conservation efforts.

    In the future, it is intended to provide an exact status report on the genetic diversity of Europe's livestock breeds.

    Sheep on pasture

    Sheep on pasture

     HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


    National partners



    EFABIS - Integrated networking of decentralized biodiversity and gene bank databases in European countries

    Berger Beate (2006 - 2010)